New Apollo Mobile App Launched

Author: Luke
Monday, May 20 2019

Spring 2019 sees the successful completion by Viva IT of the new and improved Apollo mobile app for credit unions. Key features include a modern redesign, Face ID authentication, and refactoring behind the scenes to streamline development of future new features.

"Feedback from our Members indicates that they love the new Mobile App. The digital enhancements we are making are crucial to serving our rural communities in Lincolnshire. We have found the rollout to be very smooth in all regards".

- Sarah Moseley, CEO of Lincolnshire Credit Union

Variants of this specialised yet customisable mobile app have been further tailored to the particular needs of the individual credit unions working with us, and participating in the Apollo Infinity programme.

Apollo is our suite of interconnected software systems designed for credit unions, and the Apollo Infinity programme is comprised of those credit unions seeking to more directly push forward progress on the Apollo system by contributing their resources such as financial investment, or prototyping, testing and giving feedback. At Viva IT we wanted to mark both the smooth deployment of the app without incident across a lot of credit unions, and our gratitude to credit unions who are with us on the journey to improve member service experience.

Thanks go to Commsave, Plane Saver, Nottingham and LASER credit unions for their comprehensive testing.

Thanks also go to Derbyshire Community Bank, Gloucestershire Credit Union, Harvest Money, Lincolnshire Credit Union and London Capital Credit Union for their feedback.

“Harvest Money has been working with VIVA IT since the summer of 2018. Our (Apollo) Mobile App has been invaluable in helping to make our facilities more accessible, providing members with greater convenience in managing their accounts.

We were pleased to support the recent roll-out of the new version of the mobile app, taking part in reviewing designs, layout, and text. The team at VIVA IT made this a straightforward process and the finished app shows the benefit of the work we undertook.

We have already received positive feedback from our members about the App and there is no doubt that having this service available makes us a more attractive proposition for existing and prospective members".

- James Richards, General Manager of Harvest Money

For more information on joining the Apollo Infinity programme check out

Apollo @ ABCUL 2019 Apollo Infinity - New Features - Automating Success