Updating Entities When an Insert Has a Duplicate Key in Doctrine ORM

Author: Lewis
Thursday, June 19 2014

There may be times where Doctrine may or may not know if an entity already exists in your database. Doctrine ORM provides a handy way to merge an entity to the database, meaning that it will insert any new entities, and update any existing ones.

Most PHP developers come from a MySQL background, so you’re probably well-aware of you you can use ‘ON DUPLICATE KEY’ to achieve this:

INSERT INTO table (id, value) values('test', 'TEST') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = values(name)

See more at: http://vivait.co.uk/blog/updating-entities-when-insert-has-duplicate-key-doctrine-orm1/

Unfortunately, because Doctrine is database agnostic, this will not work when using DQL. Instead, Doctrine ORM provides a handy way of achieving this within the ORM:

$entity = new Table();


- See more at: http://vivait.co.uk/blog/updating-entities-when-insert-has-duplicate-key-doctrine-orm1/
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