The Advantages of Automatic | TaskStack for Credit Unions

Author: Natasha
Tuesday, July 21 2015

With the help of TaskStack, Credit Unions can now save time with some of its handy automatic features.

From Message to Actionable Task

TaskStack allows users to automatically create new tasks from emails. This is an easy way of setting up tasks, without having to do it manually.

A task created automatically from an email will have the same subject, description and attachments as that email. This feature means that staff will be able to spend less time manually creating tasks, and more time solving them. For example, when a customer emails a task to a specific email address (e.g., the information will be taken and put into TaskStack.

This function saves the user time, allowing the Credit Union to save money. As a result of this the organisation will be able handle more enquiries and respond to other tasks more quickly, which will improve customer satisfaction.

Never Miss a Thing

Automatic notifications allow the staff of your Credit Union to never miss a new task after it has been added.

While a user adds a new task to TaskStack, they are able to reference other people such as colleagues or customers. Once the task has been saved and added, any referenced users will receive an automatic notification.

Referenced users become ‘subscribed’ to the task, meaning that they will receive a notification whenever the task is updated.

Automatically notifying users that they have been referenced in a task, and always notifying them of updates means that they will be aware of a task, and kept up to date whenever any changes are made to it. This decreases the likelihood of a task being missed or forgotten about, meaning that problems are solved more quickly and customer satisfaction is improved.

Organised and Relevant

TaskStack’s tagging feature lets the user add any tags to a task, allowing them to be sorted and categorised. Users can filter tasks by tag, allowing them to find only tasks that are relevant to what they’re looking for.

Users can subscribe to specific tags, so that they can become notified if a new task has been added with that tag. This is a helpful tool for organisations with several products or departments, and allows people who work on specific projects or in a certain department to be notified of, or find tasks that are relevant to them.

For example, if someone who worked in the loan services department, and was looking for tasks relating to loan services, they would be able to quickly and easily find them. In addition to this, if they were subscribed to the ‘loan services’ tag, this user would be automatically notified every time a new task relating to the loan services tag was added. The same can also be applied if an employee who worked on a specific project was subscribed to a tag relating to that project, such as the project name.

Click here to find out more about TaskStack and sign up for a free 30 day trial.

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